Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I dyed my hair a few weeks ago and no one has noticed. (btw: I cheeped out and used box color. but got 2 boxes so that I had enough to thoroughly cover everything because my hair is getting pretty darn long these days.) I tried really hard to choose a color that was between my “highlighted” length but closer to my darker roots so the upkeep would not be as hard as it is with having highlights. I am so bad about getting highlights done frequently enough. Its so dang expensive!

So, do you think since no one said anything I chose a really good color? Or that they think it looks bad? I like to try to think that it is the 1st choice but then, maybe its not. I actually didn’t like the color myself at first, but its grown on me a lot.

I have been trying to grow out my highlights for several months now. At least 6. I have gone once to a professional place to have my hair dyed a bit darker, in the hopes of matching the roots, but it really turned out to be too light still once more roots grew in. Such a pain.


  1. I honestly couldn't tell, so it must be good. I hate how highlights fade so quickly!
