Sunday, February 7, 2010

in the Lou

Well, I have been at home in F-Town/ around and about in "the Lou" this weekend. Its been whirlwind as usual but thats ok. I am glad to be home, but honestly, its been a pretty tough trip. First of all, my parents had to put our family dog to sleep on Thursday. Dusty was almost 20 years old! thats right, I said 20! He was such a sweet dog always, but had been getting so sick and old the past couple of years. I felt so bad for him the last few times I saw him or when I saw him in pictures. So now, he is dog heaven with Daisy (if she'll deal with him) and Daphne and all our other extended family doggies.
Also, my (bestest) Grandpa suffered a 2nd stroke in a month and is currently still in the hospital because they are trying to get his medication all leveled out. It was pretty hard to go see him today, although he is not "sick" really at all and is totally "with it". It was hard because he was telling me what happened and how he has lost the sight in his left eye and he started to get pretty emotional about that. Man, was that hard to see! He has always been so strong- invincible really- always taking care of all of us and my Grandma and everything. I think he will be ok and will be able to do most everything he wants to do he will just have to get used to maybe doing things a bit differently. They even said he could still drive(!) My cousin K is going to find him an occupational therapist to help him "re-learn" how to drive with just that one eye. I will keep you posted on his recovery.

So tomorrow we are going to go to church and then go visit my other Grandpa and his wife (not my Grandma.) He has had a very rough year health wise (like very rough.) I haven't seen them since the wedding. I am glad to have the opportunity to get by there although, I am sure it will be somewhat upsetting also- to see him more frail and sick.

The weekend wasnt all sad and stressful. Most of the family came over tonight to see me and to kind of celebrate my birthday a little early. It was nice to see everyone of course and we always have a good time. We got out some old VCR tapes to watch some old family footage of dance recitals and some of us doing those slingshot/dragons wing rides. Not me- I didnt go on that trip to FL for some reason.
Anyway, go to get to bed. 

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